Sunday, January 30, 2011


I also know little about Leigh Rubin except "Leigh" is a guy's name and his Rubes strip is really really funny.  And yes, there are collections available ~ the latest is The Wild and Twisted World of Rubes. I have one or two of his older collections, and I know I featured him before, in a more CD-related cartoon.

No CD content today, but for your enjoyment, I present Leigh Rubin's Rubes.


  1. I almost choked on my coffee with that last one!! it's great! we don't seem to get some of the comics you have shown we only have the denver post since the Rocky been gone a year!.. I need check out the books! great enjoyable post hugs!:)

  2. :)

    If you order from Amazon... well, you know what to do.



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