Monday, March 7, 2011

Here Comes the Weekend!

Friday was uneventful, at least as far as Meg went.  I left work early to take my wife (who's doing well) to the doctor.  The next visit is with the surgeon on the day I go to Richmond.  I'm hoping that goes smoothly so I can get out early and get on the road as soon as possible.

I did a little preliminary shaving last night.  What I'm doing is, each time I shave I'm rushing through my face and spending my time on other parts of my body.  My legs will be manageable by Sunday night.  I plan to do my arms by Tuesday.  I've been keeping my hands clean.

I hope to escape from work a bit early on Monday and get my hair cut and neck waxed.  I like my hairstylist and I'd like to tell her about Meg, but someone else in the salon knows me somewhat through the boy's school.  I do NOT want her to know, because I believe once she knows everyone will know.

Saturday was TSA day.  I considered going down with my son and dropping off his project, then returning when they had the awards ceremony later in the day.  The conference is less than four miles from my house.  Instead, I contacted the woman who runs the state conference and asked if they needed judges.  So I'll be there judging instead of heading out.  My son will spend the day watching events and maybe figuring out what he'd like to do next year.

Here's what I like about TSA: they have a dress code.  That means as a judge I have to dress "business casual" but it means for the kids, that's the minimum allowed.  It depends on the competition.  So there are lots of women and young ladies dressed nicely, always good for wardrobe ideas and for making my eyes happy.

The plan for Sunday was to drop off son at 8:30, visit three clients, pick up son at 1:30.  If the clients were quick enough, I would finish near several shops such as Burlington and Marshalls and I could do some shopping.  I did finish early, but it's a dreary rainy day and I didn't feel like shopping.  I picked up groceries since I'm still the only driving adult in the family, and picked up my son afterwards.

There was nothing else of interest until Sunday evening when I shave my arms and went over my legs once again.  Long hairs are floppy and do not shave off easily.  Trimming first helps a lot.

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